Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the start of my jouney

I have decided that I am a child taking on an adult dream. That at 17 I am attempting to change the big bad world of slavery no matter who is behind me.  I cant just want to do something, I have to do it, and I cant hold back. An 8 year old child, who could very easily become tomorows slave, saw the wrong and wanted to do something. Why cant I be that brave? God is the head of government and he will make wiggle room. I just gotta find the window to wiggle my tiny self through. I can single handedly change the campus of UWF and create a body of abolishenists. Not to mention spreading to other campuses when students talk and transfer. If there are 2nd graders ready to fight, who says we cant build up a generation who will end slavery? Maybe spoken4 isnt ready yet, but Not For Sale UWF sure as heck is. All i need is the few girls I have, we can present it sometime in the semester, and well watch God change the world (: