Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A stall in the progress

Ive had a serious stall in my progress over the past month or so. There is just SO much paperwork and expenses. Im not even positive which paperwork ill need, and which I wont. Its been a challenging month, and definatly a time of growing faith. When I started this time of uncertinty, I felt God tell me to set it aside for a time, that it wasnt yet ready to begin, I needed to stop running with it, I was getting ahead of God. So I stopped running with plans, and ideas. And instead, I started walking in daily prayer over this calling, and the ministry Spoken4 was, and would one day become. Recently I met a woman who shares alot of my vision/ and challenges starting her ministry. She also is starting a ministry to combat human traffiking, and easily relates to the ups and downs of this call to ministry. Ive also recently been offered some help with the paperwork. Very good signs from God that the Spoken 4 is supposed to happen in the near future. It is still a process full of waiting and praying. No pursuing has started yet, Im still waiting for my okay. Its also a patient process of finding those who are willing to stand by me, and help me with the ministry. Patience prospereth <3
In love and kindness,
If you have any questions, or would like to help, feel free to contact me at spoken4ministries@gmail.com